Thursday, October 27, 2011

One Month down

So I have officially been in Marseille for one month! I'm kind of in shock about that. This is officially the longest time I've been away from Tucson since I have lived there.

I feel like I have grown up SO much when I think back to my first few days here and that seems so long ago. It's weird to think about how much I've learned in such a short.

I am doing A LOT better. I still feel homesick everyday but it's getting to be more bearable and and I'm starting to find things I enjoy here. I read an article about how, in order to train yourself to do new things and break bad habits you need to do things that make you uncomfortable and I feel like everything I do here borders making me uncomfortable so I think that is doing me some good.

Last night I dragged 3 other assistants along to a couchsurfing meetup (honestly mostly because I was nervous about going by myself since the only other CS stuff i've done I've had my partner in crime, Victoria...sorry guys you were just pawns for me :p) HOWEVER, they LOVED it and that makes me so happy! It was such a fun meet up and we met great people. We are all going next week and I am SO excited to get more involved in CS while I am here. It definitely gives me more "purpose" being here of sorts.

I'm also looking into going into a graduate program in French when I return home. More to come on this soon after more research.... I will be posting a blog entry on this with pros/cons/etc.

I think that's all I got right now!


Shayne said...

you acheived your first month there. way to go. miss you

Anonymous said...

wow. a month. i feel like i've been here for 3 months. time is dragging on and on, man. everyone i've talked to says that the beginning drags and the end flies (once you've made friends and you don't want to leave quite yet).

i'm so glad the cs meetup went well! :D you're such a little promoter, i love it! ;)

Rachel said...

I feel like I've been here forever but at the same time like I just got here (I'm pretty sure I say this about everything don't I?)