Sunday, September 18, 2011

A preview of my new home

Since this blog has been a little negative, I decided to google some pictures of Marseille and to post them for everyone to see my new home for the next 7 months!

View of the Vieux Port (Old Port), I plan on living within walking distance from here because this is pretty much the downtown area.
-Look at how BLUE that water is!!

This is NOT what you see when you see an aerial view of Tucson! Small town girl, meet big city life.

The only picture I can find of my actual school.

Le Stade Velodrome.
The football (soccer) stadium in Marseille. I definitely want to try and catch a match at sometime in my 7 months there. It would be wrong of me to not!

Google seems pretty scarce on photos of Marseille, or they're all the same view of the sea! I will take a ton as soon as I get there and post them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude... that is GORGEOUS!!!

Hmm... you should put the captions above the pictures... I was confused until le Stade. LOL! I'm kinda dumb, though.