Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I am a teacher.

So yesterday was my first day of school. It's weird to be on the other side of language acquisition classes. Most of the classes (in fact, all except one) have at least a good enough majority of students who speak English. They asked a thousand questions about me and my life and it was actually really fun.

Period 1: BTS accounting students (BTS refers to basically the equivalent of receiving your associates degree but you get it from your high school. This class was fun. It's with the teacher I was living with so I was comfortable with her. There was a group of boys who of course thought they were hot shots, every class asked me "Do you have a boyfriend?", "where do you live?", and i could them amongst themselves asking if I have facebook haha.

Period 2: Terminale students (seniors). This class was the one that spoke no english. The teacher spoke them in French and they were learning how to write a cover letter and resume. I'm not sure HOW I'm going to handle this class. I'm thinking really remedial games with tons of vocab. I don't even know.

Then I had a two hour lunch, which isn't so bad...I can use it to check email and stuff or plan if I need.

Period 3: BTS Mechanics. This class will be FUN haha it's ALL boys aged 21-23. They were absolutely smitten with me. They had really high levels of English though and were a lot of fun. I look forward to this class. One of the boys asked if I'd be willing to meet with them occasionally outside of class if they wanted to improve their English. We exchanged emails and he sent me the sweetest email saying that he hoped I understood that he really just wants to be fluent and he thinks the best way is to learn by practicing with a native speaker. I am very impressed by his determination and I will probably agree to like an hour extra per week.

Period 4: Terminale-English reinforcement. This class should be fun. The girls were more talkative, all the other classes the girls sat silent while the boys talked up a storm. This class they are working on a Midsummer Night's Dream and I think they are actually going to put on the play which will be really fun! I'm looking forward to this as well.

Period 5: Terminale. This class was a lot of fun too. I LOVE the teacher. She is a sweetheart, I have her for 3 classes and I am so happy about that. She saw me in the hall earlier that day and like stopped me and made sure I was doing ok because they all know I've had issues finding housing. This class was FULL of energy, the teacher had to separate like groups of friends haha it was crazy. But they were fun.

Overall, french teenagers are A HANDFUL. I seriously feel like they were WAY worse behaved than students when I was in high school, but I could be wrong. They all seem really nice and hopefully if I can stay strong and I don't LET them walk all over me they wont...we will see. I have two more classes so I will update more then!

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