Monday, October 17, 2011

Missing Suburbia

So I think part of the reason I'm having problems adjusting to Marseille is, frankly, I am made for suburbia. I went to Ikea twice this week and it is in a more suburban area, where there are houses, and shopping malls, and tons of wide open space.

I never thought living downtown would be so displeasing for me!

Being around all these huge, old, buildings is fantastic and all.

However, it's SO dirty. I miss my HOUSE. I miss my CAR. I miss Target, I miss the malls. I miss the desert and the mountains. Part of me wishes I lived closer to my school because that is a more suburban area. However, in reality, suburbia is only great when you have a car. I would have NO social life if I lived up there and I keep trying to remind myself of that.

I don't know what Paris had that Marseille doesn't. Maybe the fact that I wasn't there completely alone...or maybe something else. I want Marseille to give me butterflies the way I get when I see art, or images from Paris.

There IS a contemporary art museum here so I would like to go there maybe this weekend. I would like to go to Paris and see if it still has the charm that I thought it had two years ago.

I don't know. I need to find my niche in this city because I do NOT like it and I do not want to spend the next 6 months so miserable.

1 comment:

l'américaine said...

rachel hang in there , marseille is a difficult city to love. its no paris, but its more real. whenever you feel bored take the 5 euro bus and come visit me in aix!! anyhow, know that im rooting for you...bisous!